
Love Rescue Me

巨大的傑佛遜雕像 站在美麗的湖畔旁

love rescue me
當歌曲到尾聲 太陽也滑入地平線
人生裡 能記得深刻的日出或日落
華聖頓的落日 可能不是很特別

清晨五點 我們到的這座城市 還沒有甦醒
我們在馬路穿縮著 隨意的坐在公園裡
一層薄霧 透著寒意
鬱金香也還在睡 緊緊包著 像是怕被打擾一樣
公園裡有美麗的櫻花 有鳥鳴 還有嘻戲的松鼠

五點的火車站 空空盪盪地
我們躺在椅子上 望著天花板八角型的圖騰
我說 "這讓你想到什麼"
他說"全美國的人都會想到stop sign"
他頓了一下  淡淡地說

他的背景 融合了太多的不可能
慢條斯理的步調 說話緩慢到讓人懷疑他是不是當機了
但其實腦筋轉得比誰都快 思路已經轉了好幾圈了

爸爸是德國核子物理學家 媽媽是美國藝術家
哥哥是職業西洋棋士 弟弟還在大學唸書 唸語藝學裡的名詞學
他自稱宅男 但我從來沒見過一個宅男會同時對歷史政治狂熱的

很深入地 了解一個人

在他面前 會有種返僕歸真的感覺
對小小的事物 都可以用不同的角度去欣賞  因而覺得很新鮮
隨時都在學習 隨時都在體驗

希望我們還可以再一起去旅行 去大峽谷 去法國

The forty eight hours in Washington DC.
The splendid cherry blossom.
The adorable sunset.
The gigantic Jefferson statue stands isolated by the lake,
hearing everyone's discussion about him.
It's a lonely scene.

Jacob showed me this song that he likes so much,
it's called "love rescue me."
Putting on his headphone,
I stared at the sunset.
The resplendent beams of sunlight in the last moment.
The shouting voice in the last part of the song.
The sun slipped below the horizon when the song ended.
How many sunrise or sunset can be remembered in one man's life?
The sunset at DC isn't that different,
but music turns it perfect.

Five am in the morning,we arrived the city that still hasn't awake.
We strolled on the street, sat on the bench in the park randomly.
Patches of fogs makes the weather chill.
Tulips were still sleeping. They closed their petal, as if they don't want to be disturbed.
There were cherry blossom who was awake, so did the early birds and squirrel.

Five am inside the train station. It was empty and quiet.
We lay on a bench, staring at the ceiling that has octagon patterns.
I asked: "What comes into your mind when you see that?"
He said: "I think all Americans would think of stop sign when they see octagon."
I said: "Really? Isn't it makes you think of hive?"
He stopped for a second, and said slowly, "I think hive is hexagon.."

Jacob is an American who is different from other Americans in Heinz.
He has a interesting background that merge all the impossibilities.
He speaks really slow while he thinks fast.
Sometimes I feel like he's crashing like a computer.

His father was a German nuclear physicist. His mom is a American artist.
He has a professional chess- player-brother, and a younger brother who is studying rhetoric.
He calls himself nerdy. But I don't know any other nerdy who also has passion in politics and history.

I am so glad that we have this trip in such a spontaneous way.
I feel delighted to know someone so well, especially he is extremely interesting. 

I feel like a kid in front of him.
Just like a Chinese ancient article describes about one man's childhood,
I feel the same way as the writer felt. 
Everything has a different view point. Everything becomes so fun and attractive.  
I'm learning and experiencing things in every moment while I'm with him.

I hope our next trips can come true. To grand canyon, to France. 
I hope you can always be my to to ro : )
Glad to have you as my friend, Jacob.

