
Dream_Priscilla Ahn

sitting alone at this home, playing with my kitties,
missing my guy.

I miss you j.

I was dreaming of you last night.
The hug, the touch, the cuddle.

I thought I'm ready to live by my self.
The truth is, I forget how to live alone.
Forgot how to eat alone, drive alone, sleep alone, and to wake up alone.
Those once seemed so natural stuff, how come it become so hard to get used to?

I was crying the other day, telling you that i want to give up everything and go find you.
You tell me again and again not to give up,
you let me cry in the phone,
you said i have to tell you how i feel no matter what.

I really hope I could be strong.
Hope everything could be worthwhile.
Can't wait to see you.

