
What Is Time?_Elephant Revival

前幾天放的arrival soundtrack
那首Max Richter 的 On the Nature of Daylight

媽媽說 因為那是Palindrome

連音樂也是  好酷好酷

palindrome 真的是一個令人著迷又有點假掰的概念
“Was it a cat I saw” 這就是一句倒過來也一樣可以通的句子 雖然斷句不一樣
還是很酷 好像在看達文西密碼


叫做what is time 來自我的愛團elephant revival
早上就是喝咖啡 做音樂 心情好
下午是 苟延殘喘做音樂 心情一路下坡
晚上是 腦袋完全當機後 跟J還有兩隻貓咪窩在沙發上看連續劇

Oh there is a clock on a coffee machine
Telling you what time it is relative to where you've got to be.
There is a clock on the console of your car
Telling you what time it is relative to how far you've got to go
Before you're there at your destination.
Could be a place of work, a place to rest, or the watering hole.
But the question remains, 
Well what is time?
It's when the sun comes up, 
The sun goes down, 
The moon comes out, 
The people dance all around.

Even Einstein said time is not a condition in which we live.
S'a condition in which we think and we can change the ways we think.
So the question remains, 
Well what is time?
It's when the sun comes up, 
The sun goes down, 
The moon comes out, 
The people dance all around.

Oh there is a clock on a coffee machine
Telling you what time it is relative to where you've got to be.
There is a clock on the console of your car
Telling you what time it is relative to how far you've got to go
Before you're there at your destination.
Could be a place of work, a place to rest, or the watering hole.
But the question remains, 
Well what is time?
It's when the sun comes up, 
The sun goes down, 
The moon comes out, 
The people dance all around.

